Performance Measurement Models — (Part I)

Akash Dugam
18 min readMar 26, 2024


Doesn’t matter whether you are Data Scientist or not, you indulge in measuring the performance or (in short) measuring the quality of things you deal with. And that’s the ultimate truth. Remember, we used to get performance cards during school days to get them signed by parents? Even today, if we visit a supermarket for grocery shopping, we do quality checks many times before we put them in our carts.

We are 360⁰ involved in quality checks or performance measures. Similar fashion, as a data scientist, check the quality of the model that you built. And that’s where all performance measurement models come into the picture. In this section, we will discuss performance measures for a classification problem.


In the Data Science life cycle, measuring the performance of the model you built comes at the end of the life cycle. Your task is to first understand the business problem, collect data as per the business problem. Once you wrap up the data collection phase, then you go with the data preparation and exploratory data analysis phase. Once we understand the data completely (regarding our problem), we build machine learning models.

Source —

Once we have done with building machine learning models next step is to verify those models or measure the performance of those models to find out good performing models for our goal. This stage is nothing but the model evaluation stage, as shown in the above figure.

In this blog post, we will focus on metrics related to classification problems. There are metrics related to regression problems as well, but that we discuss that in Part-II of this blog post. For now, we will cover below performance metrics →.

  • Accuracy
  • Confusion Matrix
  • Precision & Recall
  • F Beta
  • Kohen’s Kappa
  • ROC Curve
  • Log Loss

Let’s start with Accuracy.


Accuracy is one of the popular metrics for evaluating classification models. In classification problems, we calculate accuracy in two ways →.

Problems with Accuracy Measure

There are issues with accuracy measures and hence it is not a widely used performance metric in data science. Let’s discuss the problems faced by accuracy measures.

Problem 1 → Imbalanced Data

Accuracy is a good performance measure when you have perfectly balanced data. But that’s not the reality always. You may or may not have perfectly or somewhat balanced data to accept the accuracy as the performance metric.

Let’s say, you have got a classification dataset about Xi and the class label of that dataset is (Yi) “Has cancer” or “No Cancer”. Basically, you are trying to classify whether a patient will be diagnosed with cancer or not?. Let’s look at the nitty-gritty details of the dataset.

If your dataset is above mentioned one then given query point (Xq), the model will classify it to the “Negative” category with an accuracy of 90%. With such a faulty model, we get pretty good accuracy. This is a concerning thing regards to an accuracy performance metric.

When there is a case of imbalanced data, never use accuracy as a model performance trait.

Problem 2 → Predicted Class Label Vs Probability Score

Many algorithms can provide probability scores of their prediction as well as predict class labels. Let’s use this functionality of models to illustrate this concept.

Let’s say you have a dataset with two features is X & Y. (Here we are predicting Y based on variable X). Let’s use two models (Let me call them M1 & M2) to do the predictions.

Observations →

  • Model M1 & M2 return probability scores & also, depending upon the probability score, we have labelled them in the above problem.
  • For X1, the original class label is 1. With the help of M1 (P (Y=1|X1) we got the probability of 0.93 and with M2, we got the probability of 0.62. Both model labelled Y as 1 due to (P (Y=1|X1) > 0.50.
  • For X2, the original class label is 1. With the help of M1 (P (Y=1|X2) we got the probability of 0.82 and with M2, we got the probability of 0.74. Both model labelled Y as 1 due to (P (Y=1|X2) > 0.50.
  • For X3, the original class label is 0. With the help of M1 (P (Y=1|X3) we got the probability of 0.12 and with M2, we got the probability of 0.45. Both the model labeled Y as 0 due to (P (Y=1|X3) < 0.50.
  • For X4, the original class label is 0. With the help of M1 (P (Y=1|X4) we got the probability of 0.15 and with M2, we got the probability of 0.42. Both the model labeled Y as 0 due to (P (Y=1|X4) < 0.50.

Models M1 and M2 predicted class labels accurately as predicted and actual class labels are the same in all situations.

By observing the table, we can conclude that model M1 is better performing model than model M2 by looking at their probability score. Unfortunately, performance measures like accuracy cannot use the probability score, it can only use the class labels. Model M1 and M2 has same accuracy, but looking at probability score, we know M1 is better than M2.

Confusion Matrix

There is another classification performance metric known as the confusion matrix used widely in classification problems in statistics and machine learning. We define the confusion matrix as →.

In machine learning or in statistical classification, a table of confusion (sometimes also called as Error Matrix) is a table with two rows and two columns shows the performance of the classification algorithm by comparing ‘Actual Vs Predicted Class Labels’.

When we have a binary classification problem, then the grid of the confusion matrix is 2x2. (Confusion Matrix is mostly used in Binary Classification Problems)

Like Accuracy, the Confusion Matrix does not process the Probability Score!

If your model is sensible, all principle diagonal elements should be high and off-diagonal elements should be low.

Understanding TN TP FN FP

A confusion matrix is built with the help of the following concepts →

  • TN (True Negative),
  • TP (True Positive),
  • FN (False Negative),
  • FP (False Positive)

Now, let’s understand each of these concepts briefly.

True Positive (TP)

  • The model has predicted positive and actual is positive too.
  • Ex → Model has predicted a woman is pregnant, and she actually is.

True Negative (TN)

  • The model has predicted negative, and actual is negative too.
  • Ex → Model has predicted that a man is not pregnant, and he actually isn't.

False Positive (FP)

  • The model has predicted positive but the actual is negative.
  • This is nothing but a Type-I error.
  • Ex → Model has predicted that a man is pregnant but actually he isn’t.

False Negative (FN)

  • The model has predicted negative but actually is positive.
  • This is the case of Type-II error.
  • Ex → Model has predicted woman is not pregnant, but she actually is.

By using the above information, we can calculate the list of rates from the confusion matrix for a binary classifier. Let’s understand these rates now.

Various Performance Metrics Derived From Confusion Matrix

Let’s understand the various performance metrics that can be calculated from the confusion matrix itself with the help of a toy example.


  • Overall, how often is the classifier is correct?
  • Accuracy = (TN + TP) / (TN + TP + FN + FP) = 175 / 200 = 0.87

Misclassification Rate

  • Overall, how often your classifier is wrong?
  • Misclassification Rate = (FN + FP) / (TN + TP + FN + FP) = 25/200 = 0.125

True Positive Rate (TPR)

  • When it’s actually “Yes”, how often does your model predict “Yes”.
  • This is also known as “Sensitivity” or “Recall”
  • TPR = TP / P = TP / (FN + TP) = 100 / 105 = 0.95
  • It is equivalent to 1-FNR

True Negative Rate (TNR)

  • When it’s actually “No”, how often does your model predict “No”?
  • It is also known as “Specificity” or “Selectivity”
  • TNR = TN / N = TN / (TN + FP) = 75 / 95 = 0.78
  • It is equivalent to 1-FPR

False Positive Rate (FPR)

  • When it’s actually “No”, how often does your model predict “Yes”?
  • It is also known as “Type-I error” or “Fall-out”
  • FPR = FP / N = FP / (TN + FP) = 20 / 95 = 0.21
  • It is equivalent to 1-TNR

False Negative Rate (FNR)

  • When it’s actually “Yes”, how often does your model predict “No”?
  • It is also known as “Type-II error” or “Miss Rate”.
  • FNR = FN / P = FN / (FN + TP) = 5 / 105 = 0.04
  • It is equivalent to 1-TPR

Balanced Accuracy (BA)

  • It is a simple arithmetic mean of “Sensitivity” and “Specificity”.
  • BA = TPR + TNR / 2 = 0.95 + 0.78 / 2 = 0.86

Your Model will be good, if TPR & TNR is high and FNR & FPR is low. In simple words, all the principle diagonal elements must be high and off-diagonal element must be low.

Precision & Recall — We Care About Your Positive Class!

These are the metrics also calculated from the confusion matrix only. The reason I have kept them separate as topics is that they are highly important metrics in binary classification problems.

Let’s discuss them now.


  • Precision is the concept is taken from Information Retrieval and Pattern Recognition.

Precision, which is also known as Positive Predictive Value (PPV) defined as →

It is a fraction or percentage of relevant instances among the retrieved instances.

  • In our binary classification problem, we can say precision is, “All the points that the model declared or predicted to be positive, what % of them are actually positive?”
  • Precision is actually the ratio of True Positive (TP) to True Positive & False Positive.


For fishing, you throw a fishing net into the river/pond/ocean. After some time you pull it back considering that you have trapped enough fish. But what you get is some fish and some plastic (Garbage). So in this case your precision would be →

“All the stuff that you caught, what % them are actually fish?”


  • The recall is nothing but the True Positive Rate (TPR) is defined as →

It is fraction, or percentage, of relevant instances that were retrieved from total relevant instances.

  • In binary classification lingo, we can say, “When it’s actually ‘Yes’, how often does your model predict ‘Yes’?
  • It is also known as “Sensitivity”.

Example →

In the above fishing example, the recall would be →

“Out of all the fish in the ocean, what % of fish did you catch?”

Precision & Recall are very much important when you care about positive class in classification problems.

Example: Medical Diagnosis for a Disease

Imagine you have developed a machine learning model to diagnose a rare but serious disease, where:

  • “Positive” means the model predicts the disease is present.
  • “Negative” means the model predicts the disease is not present.

Now, consider the following outcomes from testing 1000 patients:

  • True Positives (TP): 80 patients truly have the disease, and the model correctly diagnoses them as having the disease.
  • False Positives (FP): 20 patients do not have the disease, but the model incorrectly diagnoses them as having the disease.
  • True Negatives (TN): 880 patients truly do not have the disease, and the model correctly identifies them as not having the disease.
  • False Negatives (FN): 20 patients have the disease, but the model incorrectly identifies them as not having the disease.

Precision (Quality of Positive Predictions):

In our example, precision represents how accurate the model is when it predicts that a patient has the disease:

So, the precision of your model is 0.80 or 80%. This means that when the model predicts the disease, it is correct 80% of the time.

Recall (Capturing Actual Positives):

Recall, on the other hand, represents how well the model can identify patients who actually have the disease:

So, the recall of your model is also 0.80 or 80%. This means that out of all the patients who truly have the disease, the model correctly identifies 80% of them.

Interpretation and Use-Case:

  • Precision: If the disease is one where the treatment has severe side effects, you might prioritize precision. This is because you want to be very sure that patients diagnosed with the disease actually have it before subjecting them to the treatment. In our example, a precision of 80% is fairly high, which is good if the treatment has significant risks.
  • Recall: If the disease is extremely dangerous or infectious, you might prioritize recall. This is because you want to ensure that nearly all individuals who have the disease are identified, even if that means some false positives. In our example, a recall of 80% means that we’re capturing a good proportion of actual cases, but we might want to improve this if the disease is severe and missing a case could be deadly.

F-βeta Score

In the last topic, we’ve discussed the most important metrics in classification that is Precision & Recall. If you could remember, we have stated also that →

  • When we care more about the False Positive (FP) than False Negative (FN), we use Precision.
  • When we care more about the False Negative (FN) than False Positive (FP), we use Recall.

But what if in the situation, you need both metrics at the same time? If yes, instead of stating each of these metrics separately, Is there any way to combine these two metrics? → Yes, and the answer lies in the F-βeta concept. Let’s discuss it.

With F-βeta, a usually most important task is to select the value of βeta. Let’s take various βeta values and discuss various cases.

When βeta = 1

  • When we have βeta = 1 then the above F-βeta equation becomes F1-Score.
  • F1 Score is nothing but the Harmonic Mean between Precision & Recall.
  • If Precision & Recall both are equally important in the problem statement or aim, we use βeta = 1.

When βeta = 0.5

  • In some cases, False Positive (FP) has more impact than False Negative (FN) then we reduce the βeta value to 0.5
  • It is also known as the F0.5 Score.
  • Use βeta = 0.5 whenever a Type I error is more important than Type II.

When βeta = 2

  • In some cases, False Negative (FN) has more impact than False Positive (FP) then we increase our βeta value to 2.
  • It is known as the F2 Score.
  • Remember we use βeta value > 1 when type II error has more impact than type I error on the model.

Cohen’s Kappa

Cohen’s Kappa score is a famous evaluation metric for measuring the performance of classification problems in machine learning. It was proposed by a famous statistician, Jacob Cohen, and later it was accepted globally.

Cohen’s Kappa score is based on the principle called → “Agreement”.

Here Agreement is nothing but coming to the same opinion by two different human beings.

For example, consider a conversation with 2 persons-

James: “Titanic is an excellent movie. I like to watch it whenever it is getting telecasted on TV”.

Sam: “Yes. Titanic is a gem. Especially the story and screenplay are outstanding”.

Here, Both James and Sam have the same opinion regarding the movie which means their agreement is strong.

Similarly, the Chance of agreement is the probability of 2 people will have an opinion on a subject purely based on random chances but not because of any mathematical fact

Thus Kappa coefficient (K) takes the agreement by chance into account. Now let’s see how do we calculate the value of the Kappa coefficient.

Here →

  • a → The total number of instances coded as “correct” in both actual and predicted.
  • b → The total number of instances coded as “Incorrect’ in actual but “correct” in predicted.
  • c → The total number of instances coded as “Correct’ in actual but “Incorrect” in predicted.
  • d → The total number of instances coded as “Incorrect” in both actual and predicted.

To calculate Kappa Coefficient, we need to calculate →

  1. Total Frequency → It is nothing but the addition of TN + FP + FN + TP. That is a + b + c + d.
  2. Expected frequencies ( ef ) of a & d → If we would have purely guessed, how many correct should be in that column?

Now let’s calculate the Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient (K) with the help of the above-explained concepts.


Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) And Area Under The Curve (AUC)

A ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve) is a graph showing the performance of the classification models at all classification thresholds.

This curve plots two parameters →

  • True Positive Rate (TPR)
  • False Positive Rate (FPR)

ROC was designed by Electrical Engineers during WWII to find out how well their missiles are working. Well, Data Science is a combination of many areas, this might be taken from electrical engineers. Who knows? :D

ROC is designed to use in Binary Classification tasks. It is the probability curve that plots the TPR against the FPR at various threshold values (by doing this) and essentially separates signal from noise.

AUC represents the degree or measure of separability. It tells us how much your model is capable of separating two classes.

The higher the AUC, better is the performance of the model on separating two classes that is positive and negative.

How to measure the performance of the model using AUC?

It is important to interpret or understand the value of AUC. The Value of AUC varies from 0 to 1. Let’s take case by case to understand the interpretability of AUC.

Case 1 →

  • When you’ve AUC values that are near 1 it means your model is performing well. The model has a good value of separability.
  • As we know that ROC is the curve of probabilities. Therefore, plotting those distributions would be a wise thing to do.
  • In above picture, there are two classes ( +ve class = Orange & -ve class = Blue) aren’t overlapping with each other. The model is excellent, as it shows the best separability between positive and negative classes.
  • We can perfectly distinguish between the class.
  • This is a rare scenario when we have AUC = 1.

Case 2 →

  • In the above case, we have seen the “Best Case” which you will never encounter in real life. (At least it never happened with me)
  • In real life, you will have AUC between 0.50 to 1.0. This would be a typical case where minor overlapping of classes can be seen.
  • With the presence of overlapping as well, these models show good class separability.
  • When there is possible overlap in distinguishing the two classes, we introduce something known as type-I and type-II errors.
  • We can move our threshold to minimize or maximize the type-I or type-II errors.
  • When AUC =0.75, it means there is a 75% chance model will distinguish between the positive class and the negative class.

Case 3 →

  • In machine learning, the worst situation is when the model cannot distinguish between the two classes.
  • This situation arises when we get AUC = 0.50, which literally means the model has no separation capabilities to distinguish between classes.
  • A model with AUC = 0.5 is nothing but a random model.

Case 4

  • When AUC is approximately 0, the machine learning model interchanges the classes.
  • It means the model is predicting positive class as a negative class and negative class as a positive.
  • AUC of a model less than 0.5 can be improved by swapping the class labels.

How do we construct ROC Curve?

The ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve is a graphical representation used to evaluate the performance of a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is varied.

It is a plot of the true positive rate (sensitivity) against the false positive rate (1 — specificity) for the different possible cut points of a diagnostic test. (TPR Vs FPR)

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to calculate and interpret the ROC curve, using an example:

1. Prepare Your Data:

First, you need a set of observations (actual outcomes) and the corresponding predictions (usually probabilistic or score-based) from your binary classifier. For this example, assume we have the following data:

2. Rank Predictions:

Rank the individuals by their predicted probabilities (or scores), from highest to lowest.

3. Determine Thresholds:

For each unique predicted probability (which will act as a threshold), determine the True Positive Rate (TPR) and False Positive Rate (FPR):

  • Threshold: The predicted probability at which you decide to differentiate between the classes.
  • True Positive Rate (TPR): TP / (TP + FN), where TP is the number of true positives and FN is the number of false negatives.
  • False Positive Rate (FPR): FP / (FP + TN), where FP is the number of false positives and TN is the number of true negatives.

4. Calculate TPR and FPR at Each Threshold:

The thresholds typically start from 1 (or the maximum predicted probability) and go down to 0, but they will be based on the unique values from the predictions in our example:

TPR (Sensitivity) = TP / (TP + FN) & FPR (1 — Specificity) = FP / (FP + TN)

Please Note →

  • TPR (Sensitivity) = TP / (TP + FN)
  • FPR (1 — Specificity) = FP / (FP + TN)

At threshold 1, no predictions are positive, so TPR and FPR are 0. At threshold 0, all predictions are positive, so TPR and FPR are 1.

5. Plot the ROC Curve:

Plot the FPR on the x-axis and the TPR on the y-axis for each threshold.

Here’s the ROC curve drawn based on the data from the table. This curve plots the True Positive Rate (TPR) against the False Positive Rate (FPR) at different threshold settings. The dashed line represents a classifier with no discriminative ability (random chance), and the curve demonstrates how well the classifier can distinguish between the two classes.

Log Loss (Cross Entropy Loss)

Log loss, also known as logistic loss or cross-entropy loss, is a performance metric used in statistical models, particularly for evaluating the outcomes of binary classification models like logistic regression.

Unlike other metrics such as accuracy or the ROC curve, log loss provides a measure of uncertainty for the predictions made by a model, penalizing false classifications.

A log loss is important classification metric based on probabilities that we get when we apply model. As already stated, a log loss function generally used in binary classification problems but we can further extend it to multiclass classification problems as well.

Log loss measures the unpredictability of the probability estimates — meaning, it quantifies how much the predicted probabilities diverge from the actual class labels.

It is a “cost” or “loss” because lower values are better and represent a model with better predictive accuracy.

The formula for log loss for a binary classification model is:

Key Characteristics of Log Loss:

  • Penalizes Confidence: Log loss heavily penalizes being confident and wrong. For example, a prediction of 0.99 for the wrong class would incur a much higher loss compared to a less confident prediction, like 0.51.
  • Sensitive to Probability Estimates: Unlike accuracy, which cares only about the final prediction, log loss evaluates how close the predicted probabilities are to the actual class labels.
  • Range: The log loss is always non-negative, and a perfect model would have a log loss of 0. However, there is no upper bound, which means the worse the model’s predictions are, especially with high confidence in the wrong class, the higher the log loss.


Note → Log Loss function measures the uncertainty of probabilities of the model by comparing them to true labels.

Let’s plug the values of above table in the log loss formula given above. Below table is resultant table —

Let me explain the above log loss values →

  • The log loss values for X1 & X3 are small because it has high probability and therefore low loss (As a probability is closer to 1)
  • The log loss values for X2 & X4 are high because 0.6 and 0.4 is not closer to actual label 1 and 0 respectively. Therefore a log loss value for X2 and X4 will be higher compared to X1 and X3.

Key Takeaways

  • A lower log loss (closer to 0) indicates a better model prediction. It means the predicted probability is very close to the actual label.
  • A higher log loss indicates a poorer prediction, as the predicted probability diverges significantly from the actual label.

Final Note

That’s it. These are mainly used performance measurements model for classification problems. As I have already stated, this blog post would serve as Part — I in the series of two. In the sequel, we will talk about performance classification models for regression problems. Stay tuned for further updates.


Akash Dugam


